Why Are My Headphones So Quiet? 7 Easy Fixes

Why Are My Headphones So Quiet? 7 Easy Fixes

Posted by House of Marley on May 31st 2024

Do you often ask yourself, "Why are my headphones so quiet?" It can be really annoying to have headphones on and still hear more of the outside world than your music. Don't worry! There are some relat … read more
Malawi: House of Marley x One Tree Planted

Malawi: House of Marley x One Tree Planted

Posted by House of Marley on Mar 9th 2023

In March 2022, a reforestation and landscape restoration initiative in Enyezini, Malawi came to an end. A total of 500,000 trees (including indigenous forestry … read more
6 Ways to be More Sustainable This Christmas

6 Ways to be More Sustainable This Christmas

Posted by House of Marley on Nov 25th 2022

Ah, Christmas. Our favourite time of year is fast approaching, and with it comes the promise of Mariah Carey and novelty socks. If, like us, you’re yet to start your Christmas sh … read more